3 little HAWGs build logs

Welcome to the rabbithole that is our design history

In order to provide more background into the amount of time & effort required to produce our products, some of the design goals & thought processes to eliminate options & rationalise features, we felt it prudent to provide a platform like this to give some detail.

It is easy to poo-poo a products value, whilst still demanding simplicity & usability (plug & play) capabilities, however the more you design the features into something to be simpler to use, the more complicated it can become. The more time spent on research & development, the higher the value for the end product in order to recoup the investment of time, money & effort in order to bring something to production.

If you’re not happy with that reality, then by all means attempt to do the same thing yourself, we are all content to not have our time wasted by some penny pincher who doesn’t understand the value of someone technically proficient in a field they know little to nothing about. We have all had to deal with our own variations of these types; people / project / general manglement. We are very sastisfied to not have to put up with their oxygen thieving rhetoric in time-wasting meetings to discuss the latest buzzwords they might have picked up in their latest middle manglement sessions.

It is impossible to cater for every scenario, customer request, exception, variable & most troubling of all….. you cannot code for stupid.

There will always be one individual that cannot grasp what you might have assumed is common knowledge;

helpdesk: realisation...."*sigh*....Do you still have the box it came in....?"
client" "Yes"
helpdesk: "pack it up, take it back"
client" "OK, but what do i tell them?"
helpdesk: "tell them you're too f@#king stupid to own a computer" - click

(if only we all had the opportunity to experience that much job satisfaction…. )

That said, for all those I’ve offended; so what – nothing happens!

(you are the only person who can allow yourself to be offended… )

We are all old school, politically incorrect, socially inept, non-woke, realists, who believe in scientific facts, specifically (& not limited to);

  • the world is round
  • there are 2 biological genders (men have penis & testicles, women have vagina, uterus & ovaries)
  • you can live/call yourself whatever you want, more power to you…. just don’t try to FORCE us to.
  • ALL lives matter, you idiots. I speak 2 languages, am in a mixed race marriage & did 2 operational tours with the united nations – so don’t call me a racist simply because I am white.
  • politicians, lawyers, used car salesman real estate agents & managers are all equally worthless
  • goggle, face-ache, micro$haft, scamsung , shamazon, crapple, Tesla & the CCP are all equally evil
  • a sentence should never start with “best way is…” or “just….”
  • guns don’t kill people – people kill people
  • J.R.R. Tolkiens works are NOT up for interpretation; read the lore details – its ALL there
  • the F-35 is a multi-billion $ homer-mobile
  • any ‘manager’ who says, “how hard can it be…? JUST click on setup.exe” should be beaten senseless with the nearest blunt heavy object.
  • the world is full of ask-holes (a person who constantly asks for your advice, yet ALWAYS does the complete opposite of what you told them to do)
  • if you don’t like our sense of humour, feel free to go somewhere else (get out of my grid square & stop thieving my oxygen)